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Frequently Asked Questions

Who can apply?

Europe3D is open for all students from any field of study in any university all around the globe.

How can I apply?

Around 3 months before every Europe3D event, in the Application tab, there is a link to the application survey. Just fill it in and your application will be submitted and taken into consideration. You will receive a confirmation email right after you finish your application.

NOTE: If you are an ESTIEMer, you have to apply in the portal, like in every other ESTIEM event.

How is the selection process?

Applicants’ motivation, nationality and field of study are considered in order to reach the most diversity in the event. In total there will be 30-40 participants, half from ESTIEM and the rest from outside ESTIEM.

The most important criteria for selection is how you would add unique value to the event. It can be anything: having a presentation about a specific topic you are good at, being active in a students' organization, making a documentary of the event...

How much money will I pay?

In every Europe3D event there is a participation fee that will be collected in the first day of the event (unless something different is specifically communicated). This participation fee is usually between 50 and 80 euros for the whole week.

What does the participation fee cover?

Participation fee includes the accommodation, food, transportation within the event and most of the activities during the event. In case some activity is not covered by the participation fee, it will be communicated before the event starts.

On the other hand, participation fee does not include your travel costs to and from the event, drinks during the parties (most of the time offered for lower prices) and visa costs.

Where will I stay?

During the week, you will either stay at hostels or be hosted by local members at their homes.

If I cancel my application, do I have to pay participation fee?

For all events, there is a cancellation deadline after the application deadline. In case of a cancellation, please inform the organisers as soon as possible. If you cancel your application by taking the deadline into account, you do not have to pay your participation fee. But if you cancel after the deadline, you MUST pay the participation fee to event organisers. You should be careful about deadlines not to face any problems.

What is this early bird rule?

In every Europe3D event, 33% of all the external participants are registered just after one week the application period starts, so apply as soon as possible! 

What should I bring to the event?

After you are registered, you will receive information e-mails from the organisers regarding to all the details about the event.

In every event, there is an International Evening, where everyone shares products from their region, so don't forget to bring your country's specialty!

How does the event look like?

Here is an example agenda for Europe3D Lisbon.

What is Europe3D+?

Europe3D+ is a special kind of Europe3D event in which there is a special focus on one of the 3 dimensions. However, the remaining 2 dimensions are also covered in the event, but in less depth than normal Europe3D events. In 2014 there was Europe3D+ Food in Belgium (Brussels and Ghent) which had a focus on Gastronomy, which is a really important part of the culture of a country.

In the following months there will be two Europe3D+ events taking place in Italy and the Netherlands. Both will have the focus in Economy.

What if I have questions?

Feel free to write to leader.europe3D@estiem.org any time. 

Also, make sure that you follow our Facebook page to keep updated!