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Europe3D Spain, Barcelona & Madrid

Europe3D Spain, Barcelona & Madrid will take place between the 22nd and the 28th of April 2019, and the application period is open between:
  • the 18th of February and the 18th of March 2019, for both ESTIEMers and non-ESTIEMers
We will select 33% of all the external participants two weeks after the application period starts (Early Bird places). So check your e-mail often! You might get an Early Bird place! If you have any doubts, please read the Frequently Asked Questions carefully.
How to apply:
  • For non-ESTIEMers: click on the "I'm a non-ESTIEMer" section in the cube and fill the form.
  • For Alumni: click on the "I'm ALUMNI" and send an email to Sila.salta@estiem.org
  • For ESTIEMers: fill the application form in the portal (like the rest of the events).
For more information, you can check out the Facebook page of the event.
The application for Europe3D Spain will be open until the 18th of March 2019!