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European Master Thesis Award

About the European Master Thesis Award
At the end of your student career you will graduate with your master thesis as your final major academic effort. Your thesis is a result of all the things you have learned during your studies and is carefully assembled in a half-year period. This thesis award is meant for the brave and clever who wish to seek competition with their thesis on an international scale!

Wouldn't you like to know how you score on an international level and possibly become known as the best IEM graduate of Europe?

The European Master Thesis Award for IEM was organised for the first time in 2015 and is part of the Educational Initiative of ESTIEM. The European Supply Chain Forum (ESCF) is the proud sponsor of the competition for its promotion of academic excellence.


ESTIEM is the organisation for European Students of Industrial Engineering and Management, who combine technological understanding with management skills. Our goal is to establish and foster relations between students across Europe and to support them in their personal and professional development. Our network consists of 81 Local Groups in 31 countries, reaching out to 60 000 students.

Why you should participate

Here’s a list of the reasons YOU should
participate in the competition:
  • Get acknowledgement for your academic work

  • There are noteworthy prices to win! Next to the honor of becoming the best IEM graduate of your year you can also win the first prize (€1000,-), second prize (€400,-) or third prize (€200,-).

Who can apply

Get to know if you are allowed
to join the competition:
  • All Industrial Engineering & Management students can apply.
  • You have to study at a university where a Local Group of ESTIEM is located. Take a look here for all local groups.

European Supply Chain Forum

About ECSF
The European Supply Chain Forum (ESCF) is the premier Operations and Supply Chain Competence Center in Europe. They connect internationally ambitious companies with a focus on long-term partnerships that add value for their members. The ESCF offers an excellent opportunity to share problems and solutions in the area of Operations and Supply Chain Management. ESCF excels in SCM talent development and life-long learning and promotes this master thesis award for it search for excellence.

Frequently Asked Questions

I am not a member of ESTIEM, can I still apply?
You don't have to be a member of ESTIEM to apply. However, you have to study at a university connected to ESTIEM. A list of universities can be found here.

I did not graduate between 01-09-2016 and 31-08-2017, what now?
That’s a shame! Unfortunately for you we only consider applications from students who graduated within the academic year 2016-2017 to create a fair playing field. Please contact us if your university uses different dates for defining the academic year.

Who will judge my thesis?
We have a team of bright academic staff from different universities around Europe who have broad experience in judging academic work.

How should I apply?
Applying is easy! Just go to our application page, fill out the form and upload your thesis here.