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The aim of Vision is to give IEM students practical insights in current
and future topics and trends from areas between Economy, Society
and Technology while bridging the gap between academic and corpo-
rate environment.


Established in 1993, Vision is one of the oldest and most prestigious projects in ESTIEM.
Since its restructurization at the LVI Council Meeting Karlsruhe 2018, every Vision event is
built upon two core elements:

But how does the concept look like?

Every Local Group can apply for organizing a Vision event (by getting in contact with leader.
vision@estiem.org). One of the big innovations since CM Karlsruhe 2018 is that there is no
yearly topic anymore. Every Local Group can apply for that kind of Vision event that fits best
to its company contacts, sponsors and industries. Therefore, Local Groups have the freedom
to show ESTIEM their individual industry and specialities of their town or country.


The topic of an event has to lay in one of those three fields: Technology, Society or
Economics. Of course it is also possible to have topics that combine two or even
three fields. „Technologies behind modern aircraft engines“ might be in the area
of Technology, but „Aircraft Industry and its impact in environment, society and
economics.“ is a topic that touches all three fields.


Interesting topics may also lay in the connection between Society and Econo-
mics. A possible topic could be “The world of Likes: From Instagram to Air-
port Toilets - How constant feedback influences our world.”


Before the event:


A few weeks before the event, participants receive basis information on the topic. These
information can consist ofuseful websites/links/videos or other content that helps to get
a first insight into the topic.


During the event:


The event structure itself won‘t change much from the concept that we know from Vision.
All events still will have a varied schedule with workshops, practical experiences, company
visits, fun and cultural activities to provide an interactive learning and cultural experience.

What changes a bit is the clear focus on how topics are applied in an industrial and
corporate environment
. Moreover, practical experiences shall be key element in
every Vision event. Participants shall do experiments, working on prototypes, receiving
interactive trainings and just create something on their own.


After the event:


We will work on collaborations with PRC and Magazine on how to spread the experiences
and the gathered knowledge in the most interesting and best way. The whole network
should see which amazing things can be discovered and done during a Vision event!

