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Course Objectives

Lean Startup Entrepreneurship Course – Learning Objectives

create develop and boost your own business



This course is shaped as a business idea competition and consists of three phases:

•   Defining a business idea for your startup

•   Turning a business idea into a validated business model

•   Turning a validated business model in a viable startup

The learning objectives  of each phase are described in the next paragraphs.


Round 1: Introduction Entrepreneurship & Idea generation

Me entrepreneur?!

•   Understand what starting your own business means

•   Understand which characteristics a successful entrepreneur has

•   Understand which skills you need to become a successful entrepreneur

•   Understand possible motives to start your own business or join a startup

•   Understand possible obstacles to start your own business

•   Understand reasons for startup failure

Core concepts for entrepreneurship

•   Understand the most important elements of the lean startup philosophy:

•       create real value

•       grow your business

•       use experiments to validate and grow your business

•       changing course (pivot) if needed

•   Understand the necessity of a vision for your business

•   Understand the necessity to define success for your business

•   Understand how difficult it is to start your own businesses

•   Understand the importance of a strong team

•   Understand the key roles you need to fulfill as an entrepreneur

Business ideas

•   Understand 5 basic methods to generate business ideas

•   Learn how to create business ideas using different methods

•   Understand which characteristics successful business ideas have

•   Learn how to formulate a convincing, viable business idea

•   Learn how to pitch your business idea

Participants with promising business ideas are granted access to phase 2. The best business ideas get a mentor to help them in the next phases of the competition.


Round 2 From business idea to validated business model

The lean canvas and building up your startup team are central elements in phase 2. An expert or entrepreneur gives a live webinar on the main topic of the week and the participants study and discuss the learning material. They deliver a proof  to show they master the topic. The learning objectives are described below.

Understanding your customers and market

•   Understand the problem - solution fit of your idea

•   Understand basic methods to test the problem - solution fit of your startup

•   Understand how Facebook and Google can support market research

•   Understand how to choose a favorable market segment

•   Learn how to test demand-related assumptions of your product

Growth Strategies

•   Understand main strategies for sales growth

•       online selling

•       communicating your message

•       selling in person

•       partnerships

•   Understand what a sales funnel is

•   Understand what an AB test is

•   Learn how to apply a growth strategy in practice

Making money and financing your business

•   Learn common revenue models for businesses

•   Understand what a break-even-point is

•   Understand popular types of sources to fund your business

•   Understand possible motives of investors

•   Understand the importance of liquidity

•   Learn how to test key financial assumptions of your business

Building a winning team

•   Understand the importance of a strong team

•   Understand what to look for when choosing co-founders

•   Understand revenue sharing options for founders

•   Understand risks that kill partnerships with co-founders

•   Understand factors that influence team motivation

•   Understand how to hire a first employee

•   Understand how advisors can help your startup

•   Understand what success metrics are

•   Learn how to create a Startup success dashboard